Crypto BTC forecast, Bitcoin price levels, accurate crypto and BTC timing, predictions and prices


The HOSTILE Takeover of the USA – this is no joke. I absolutely mean it and I will share some information on the call that shows the various areas and ways this is being planned. I will take a psychic look at how we can be prepared.

Also there is TONS of news about XRP and what is happening with it at this time. There are major news outlets calling for $1,000 XRP or more. I will take a look so we can separate the truth from the HYPE. Also I will examine what other coins will be swept up in the XRP wave.

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Something Massive is Coming – VIP Call Friday Sept 20th – REPLAY

The Equinox is coming in a few days, illuminating some massive INEQUAL energies currently taking place. Maybe not this week, but very soon some massive changes are coming. Those in positions of power in the world are scared because their tools and techniques are not working. Too many people are awakening and pus

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Crypto BTC forecast, Bitcoin price levels, accurate crypto and BTC timing, predictions and prices

PRO CALL – Incoming BIG Lunar Eclipse Events – Call Sat Sept 14 – REPLAY

This Lunar Eclipse is in Pisces and will impact those with prominent Pisces placements the most strongly – this includes Kamala Harris and more discoveries about her coming to the surface – like how she’s behind in the polls and not in the position that they’ve been telling us she’s in. Lots of things aren’t what we’ve been told and mainly the CRACKS are really starting to show in these narratives (lies) we’ve been fed over the past two years. This is especially true in the economy which pretty much everyone knows by now.

But I see this current energy of big change and breakdown of the current system kind of like a rain cloud – the silver lining is still there and we can make use of it if we know where to look. I will focus on some of these positive changes.

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What’s Unfolding NOW – Pro Call – August 17 – CALL REPLAY FIXED

What’s Unfolding NOW – Pro CallWe already know it’s been a dramatic August with the DOW dropping over 1,000 points last week. And this week has been relatively calm. The one BIG piece of news now is that Gold has topped $2,500 which is remarkable but other metals are not following and I will cover…

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Next Big Movers – VIP Call Thurs August 8 – REPLAY FIXED

Thursday VIP call – NEXT big moversAug 8 7pm estWhich TWO COINS will make big moves next? These are two safe bets for good moves over the next 6 mos.Plus 2 more higher risk/higher reward ALTS I’ve spoken about beforeThe world political/economic situationWill we get MORE of a pullback in crypto and stocks? How long…

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