When will the CRAZINESS START? VIP CALL – 5PM EST Friday July 12 – REPLAY

When will the CRAZINESS START? VIP CALL I know it feels frustrating to wait for all these things to finally happen. Silver hasn’t really made big moves yet, banks aren’t REALLY failing yet, housing prices are coming down but nowhere near what we are expecting. Even so, carmageddon is fully underway and the commercial Real…

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BTC Target HIT, and now what? PRO Call Sat July 6 at 5PM EST – REPLAY POSTED

BTC Target HIT, and now what? PRO Call Sat July 6 at 5PM EST Why is Japan the Weakest Link? Long Term prediction happening now.Housing is crashing.How much lower can crypto go and for how long?What does this mean for Gold and Silver? *BTC Charts and price levels*BCH, THETA, ETH*Q&A Subject: Japan is the Weakest…

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Crypto BTC forecast, Bitcoin price levels, accurate crypto and BTC timing, predictions and prices

Stop Making Sense – Decoding market mixed signals – Pro Call – REPLAY

Stop Making Sense – Decoding market mixed signals – Pro Call This week we got a ‘Good’ jobs and inflation report which  by now, we all know is full of lies. Inflation is bad, jobs are also bad. We also had the CEO of Redfin just admit that housing is coming down. Now the only…

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Everybody knows (or so they think) VIP Call – REPLAY FIXED LINK

Everybody knows (or so they think) VIP Call We are fast approaching that moment when ‘reality’ dawns on enough people that it becomes ‘common knowledge.’ What do I mean by this? I mean more home buyers are deciding to WAIT and see if they can get something better for their money while prices are starting…

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Crypto BTC forecast, Bitcoin price levels, accurate crypto and BTC timing, predictions and prices

INCOMING!! – Get Ready! PRO Member Call – REPLAY FIXED

INCOMING!! Pro Call Tomorrow It’s all heating up to a critical mass. This is a more detailed overview of the next week’s events and what they mean to us. *Secret Plans being Executed *Silver, Gold, Precious Metals *Trump and Politics *The Royal Family *Pushback *BTC price charts *ALTS REPLAY BELOW. I apologize the previous link did…

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REPLAY – Short Squeeze – VIP Call

Are we heading into a massive short squeeze? What will this do to the markets? There is currently a massive amount of arbitrage taking place across the world in various markets which just shows how NUTS everything is and highlights the fact that in the US we are living in the midst of nothing but…

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REPLAY Crypto Downtrend or not? PRO Call

Crypto Downtrend or not? PRO Call PRO Call tomorrow: https://aurawright.media/pro-subscriber-posts/crypto-downtrend-or-not-pro-call/ BIG changes are happening RIGHT NOW. The world is getting ready to make a massive shift. A few of these giant changes include: Governments around the world adopting Gold and Crypto, 2 or 3 MASSIVE Coronal Mass Ejection events from the Sun just happened. And…

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The Big Stuff is Coming

We have entered the critical zone. In April I made it clear that the Eclipse was not a financial Eclipse in and of itself but rather a kickoff for other events and these events are now happening. All markets are having kanipchen fits and can’t decide what to do. Iran bombed Israel – and tensions…

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