Month: December 2020

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Mass Impacts of Uranus Uranus likely got whacked by a body one to three times as massive as the modern Earth. Uranus is…

In today’s video I mentioned that TETHER will be a problem. For this reason I am stating here that I will get OUT OF TETHER ASAP. I feel it is

Here is updated info on what is going on with Ripple, XRP and the SEC lawsuit. I have been getting a lot of psychic messages on it and this is

As we we come to an end, all predictions on Bitcoin have pretty much gone they way it has been forecasted in last months timing report. Be sure to check

Attached is the January Timing Report for PRO and VIP members.

To access this post, you must purchase Crypto Pro

JAN 2 – BTC HAS HIT MY 32K TARGET – Can we go up a bit further? Yes. As I have said many, many times there is always FOMO in

If you hold the crypto for a year or less before selling it, exchanging it, or spending it, then your gains are short term and taxed at your income tax

Dec 26 – We are likely to get a small peak before we get to our $32k level – which is what I am seeing as the top of this

The most recent great conjunction occurred on 31 May 2000, and the next will occur on 21 December 2020. During the 2020 great conjunction, the two planets will be separated

This weeks Market update is a video you can access here: website will be back in another few hours. Please understand that we moved to our own site months

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