Psychic Crypto overview

The Big Picture – Response to Penny Kelly Video

Those that I am in contact with are the reformed Pleidians who operate from the ‘Law of One’ and who work WITH NATUAL LAW. This is really important to grasp. It is important to understand that there are two groups of Pleidians we have been dealing with on Planet Earth and it is the lower, unevolved ones who are fighting to control the Earth. They are really a separate branch than the Pleidians because they have gone so far astray and should just be called the Aryans. It is the Pleidians who are part of the Galactic Council who I have had contact and communication with who are trying to help humanity to evolve and work through our current spiritual test. Like Penny Kelly, I also have very serious concerns about how many people on Earth are ready to wake up and overthrow the control agenda of these forces of Darkness, aptly called the Fourth Reich.

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TRUST YOURSELF – Law of Manifestation

The Law of Manifestation also called the Law of Attraction, is a universal law that asserts that what you put your focus on, you manifest more of that. In other words, like attracts like, so if you desire to manifest good things, then you must learn to harness your thoughts on positive things.

SEPTEMBER Crypto Timing Report to 2 lucky Subscribers.

I am giving away a copy of the SEPTEMBER Crypto Timing Report to 2 lucky Subscribers. Only a few days to WIN!!

Make a quality COMMENT on this weeks Horoscope: Like the video Share the video YOU MUST BE A SUBSCRIBER TO WIN Here’s a recap of my CRYPTO TIMING CALLS: * Accurately called EVERY PEAK in BTC for over a year – including the $13,000 peak last year. * Called for a $4k low more than 6 months before it happened when EVERYONE ELSE WAS BULLISH * Called the timing and LEVEL for the March Stock Market CRASH * Prepared Subscribers to take profits in JANUARY at $10,500 BTC – BEFORE the Feb drop to $4k – this equals a 250% return * CALLED THE SILVER BOTTOM at $14 in time for subscribers to load up while supplies were available. This equals gaining 2x the value in equivalent GOLD THESE ARE REAL NUMBERS BASED ON PAST PERFORMANCE – not hollow promises for the future.

Awakening from darkness

AWAKENING From being In Darkness

A revival of interest or attention. a recognition, realization, or coming into awareness of something: a rude awakening to the disagreeable facts. a renewal of interest in religion, especially in a community; a revival.

Available – AWAKENING – From being In Darkness

Sorry, this video is now available for you to watch. I thought you would be able to see it early on YouTube, but no. Not until I make it live. I made a video below going over all the symbolism in a short film called ‘In Shadow’ and how this is a very clairvoyant perspective…

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