What if the Financial System DIED – Weekly Crypto Update

If the financial system died – and it will. And many of us are just WAITING for it to happen, but waiting is not a powerful energy for us to be in. Not only that, but the collective amount of people out there in the world just WAITING is actually delaying the actual results we are wanting. we need to shift our energy into a NOW type of prosperity. Not waiting.

3 Crypto Trades – VIP – STARTING SOON

3 Crypto Trades – this is the main focus of the call, but there are also important things coming in world events that I need to update you on. The messages from these past few months have all just come together and created a much clearer picture for me of what is coming next. Don’t be distracted, and make no mistake about it, the plan IS to distract you with all kinds of things that will get you looking in the wrong direction when these ultimate traps are set. 

To access this post, you must purchase Crypto VIP Membership.

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