Crypto BTC forecast, Bitcoin price levels, accurate crypto and BTC timing, predictions and prices

Bitcoin Rally – Will we get a Pullback? REPLAY

Bitcoin Rally – this week has been really strong and now a lot of people are out there wondering if they are missing the boat. The truth is that nearly all normal investors wait and buy assets like BTC when they are at the TOP of their move, which is late to the party. At this time in Crypto ANY investment is still early in the LONG RUN and still a great idea for LONG TERM gains. But over this next year there will be some huge volatility which means that BTC (and the rest of crypto) can still drop below our current levels – at some point.

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Death of Fiat Channeling

THE DEATH OF FIAT channeling

These official organizations are all activating the elements of FEAR of TRUST in the public during the events of war and financial chaos as well as the death of fiat in order to invoke the feeling that this digital system must be moved over to for safety and that it is the right thing to do in order to help and protect those who are less privileged. The privilege card will be played to a huge degree. Of course, you need to be aware that it is the EXACT people who claim to care about the underprivileged who made good and sure that slave labor has alway been available to them in 3rd world countries. Be aware also that NONE of the promised fairness will materialize. These are some of the coming lies and manipulations that will be used.

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Crypto BTC forecast, Bitcoin price levels, accurate crypto and BTC timing, predictions and prices

Binance and Blackrock GAMES – PRO Call REPLAY and Q&A REPLAY

Crypto control games are nothing new and have been part of the space since the very beginning. This does not mean that crypto is not a huge shift in the world of finance, but it DOES mean we have to keep an eye on every game and shady tactic some smart coder can think up. This has become apparent to us all since the events of 2022 when we watched Terra Luna implode, and then the death of FTX. All of this is related and this is what I want to discuss.

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