The End of the United States – Election Selection Insurrection
There is a lot of discussion about how Trump can invoke the insurrection order in January, in order to invalidate the election results and stay president.
There is a lot of discussion about how Trump can invoke the insurrection order in January, in order to invalidate the election results and stay president.
There will be a planned site upgrade on Dec 18 at 10 PM MST. THE SITE MAY BE UNAVAILBLE FROM 10PM – 6AM the 19th MSTWe are upgrading our servers so that we can speed up the site and improve performance. In the meantime, here is a video I posted today about what is going…
We are entering the storm big time. We have a lot goin on right now with Crypto. Coin Market Cap was down. No one could use it. This is only the beginning of these kind of bottle necks of problems and issues in crypto. Find out about the aspects taking place this week. Discover this weeks crypto forecast for Bitcoin and Altcoins.
For my VIP members, here are the additional coins I’ve been buying:
It’s no secret that the crypto market is heating up in a fierce way right now. $200,000,000.00 newly printed Tether is no joke, as the market has been showing us. As PRO and VIP subscribers you all know my Dec targets…
Crypto Astrology HITS – Covid19 Predicted + Financial Timing
June 1 – When will the next stage of the collapse happen…?
Saturn Jupiter Conjunction A great conjunction is a conjunction of the planets Jupiter and Saturn, when the two planets appear closest together in the sky. Right in…
June 1 – When will the next stage of the collapse happen…?
Less than three months after getting sued by the Securities and Exchange Commission, erstwhile self-described quadrillion dollar crypto ICO issuer Veritaseum a/k/a “the market of all the money” has entered into a consent judgment that shuts it down and transfers assets to the SEC for distribution to a receiver.