VIP Market Forecast – Fire & Ice!

The VIP call will be on Tuesday August 23 at 5PM EST

Here is the link to login:—market-forecast–

All VIP members should get an invite to join via Crowdcast. If you do not get your invite by tomorrow then please message Geric on Telegram and he will get you registered. You can find him on Telegram @JhonGeric

**The Replay is always available IMMEDIATELY after the call is over at the same link above.  If you cannot make the call live you can still ask a question at the bottom of the page in the ‘Ask a Question Section.’ All questions are timestamped on the replay so you can go straight to any information you are looking for.

VIP Crypto Market Forecast – Fire & Ice

You all remember that I called the market peak at the end of last year, called the January market bloodbath in my Timing Report and called the $17K recent market bottom. This next set of moves is essential information for these next few weeks and months. These are the best crypto opportunities of the past 4 years – IF you know how to handle them.

It’s time to be prepared for big market moves. A lot of drama is coming to ALL markets. Here is a long term overview on what to expect, especially for the next few weeks and into the fall.

*10 VIP focused crypto coins

*Discussion of all Recently posted Crypto Altcoins & coin targets

*Negative influence effecting the market, the impact they are having and why nobody is getting these timeframes correct

*Upcoming Election stuff, what the drama is and what it means



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