The Hounds of Hell - Docudump - CryptoAstrology - BTC Prediction

The Hounds of Hell – Docudump – CryptoAstrology – BTC Prediction

Hounds of Hell

There was a giant document dump, and we are entering the storm. The hounds of hell are upon us, and the drama is about to unfold in the next few weeks. We have a massive solar eclipse coming in December which essentially will be the end to a political system. Please watch the video to find out more and see the drama unfold.

How are electoral votes determined

Each state appoints electors according to its legislature, equal in number to its congressional delegation but federal office holders cannot be electors. Of the current 538 electors, an absolute majority of 270 or more electoral votes is required to elect the president and vice president.

BTC Predictions

BTC hits and prediction targets were all met as previously forecasted. We are right on target. What is coming next? Be prepared as it is going to become vicious in the market. Be sure to like and subscribe for more predictions and crypto hits.

About Aura

Aura Wright has been featured on “The Chelsea Lately Show,” “Entertainment Tonight,” and others. She was also the columnist for the Yogi Times. She accurately predicted the 2008 housing crisis, as well as the 2019 peak in BTC price. Then she predicted the 2020 BTC low. Other accurate world predictions include; a discussion of a world pandemic in an article posted in 2017.

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