Satoshi Nakamoto Who is he?
Satoshi Nakamoto is the name used by the presumed pseudonymous person or persons who developed bitcoin, authored the bitcoin white paper, and created and deployed bitcoin’s original reference implementation. As part of the implementation, Nakamoto also devised the first blockchain database. Wikipedia
Every week we have a new forecast and tell you what is happening this week. Be sure to subscribe to the Aura Wright Media YouTube Channel and hit the bell icon to be notified when we post a new upload.
New Evidence; Kleiman vs Craig Wright
The court in Kleiman v Wright has ruled on a series of pre-trial motions as to whether or not certain expert witnesses from both sides will be allowed in next year’s jury trial.
About Aura
Aura Wright has been featured on “The Chelsea Lately Show,” “Entertainment Tonight,” and others. She was also the columnist for the Yogi Times. She accurately predicted the 2008 housing crisis, as well as the 2019 peak in BTC price. Then she predicted the 2020 BTC low. Other accurate world predictions include; a discussion of a world pandemic in an article posted in 2017.
What is the main focus of our work at this unique time in history? To help people to benefit from the massive financial changes that are currently taking place in the world. One of the best ways to do this is through owning cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and also with Precious Metals like Silver and Gold.
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