Precious metals

Metals & TP Shortages – Crypto and Stock Prices – Weekly Forecast – Crypto Astrology

Metals and Stock prices

 In recent months, millions have watched as COVID-19 made its way around the world. With it, has come economic instability and unchartered waters for many businesses. The bullion and collectible coin industry has seen extraordinary fluctuations in premiums and demand as buyers and sellers try to navigate a very difficult environment. With supply chains disrupted, shortages have been created on products that were previously plentiful. Industry veterans at Asset Marketing Services have been keeping a close eye on the market during these unprecedented times.

Precious Metals

In early March, the stock market took a swift downward turn with the onset of COVID-19 in the United States. Many large financial houses such as banks, financial institutions, and individual investors sold their precious metal contracts to cover margin calls. It was this rapid selling that caused the price of metals to plummet with silver falling over 35% in one week alone.

About Aura

Aura Wright has been featured on “The Chelsea Lately Show,” “Entertainment Tonight,” and others. She was also the columnist for the Yogi Times. She accurately predicted the 2008 housing crisis, as well as the 2019 peak in BTC price. Then she predicted the 2020 BTC low. Other accurate world predictions include; a discussion of a world pandemic in an article posted in 2017.

What is the main focus of our work at this unique time in history? To help people to benefit from the massive financial changes that are currently taking place in the world. One of the best ways to do this is through owning cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and also with Precious Metals like Silver and Gold.

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