Market Update

Market Update – Sept 20

Sept 20 Market Update and THIS WEEKS HOROSCOPE: Stop Making Sense

BTC – is dropping now, as expected, and right on time. Sometimes a market drop will start a day later than the Astrology shows, but what happens is that the bad aspect hits and then the downhill momentum starts. It does not usually go down all at once. However sometimes it can move down very quickly. I expect that this market drop will not happen all at once, but that the bottom of it when BTC hits $29k will happen very fast as just a wick down. So, if you are buying BTC you would want to have your buy orders set up in advance so as not to miss it.

ALTS – As usual Alts drop more than BTC and usually follow BTC by a day or more in their movements. I am doing a PRO call on Tuesday and I will go into some price targets for many of the blue chip cryptos. On the VIP call on Thurs I will go over at least 10 coins I expect to do extremely well in the market run-up.

SILVER – *(repeated but very relevant) has once again gotten a price drop. and even though we’ve seen a couple of dips since I said that lower prices were coming, we still have not gotten the very lowest that we are going to get. I’m not sure exactly when it will happen but sometime in the next few months we will have a really good buy opportunity on Silver again, but this isn’t quite it – not yet.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++REPEATED INFO BELOW++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

AGNI MANI – recent Video with Boris and his shop where you can get this powerful stone for clearing negativity and removing negative people from your space:

**Please remember I provide information not advice. Whatever trades you make are your own. Crypto is an inherently volatile and difficult market to trade, so please make sure to educate yourself on trading principles and how to use a stop-loss to protect your assets.

Always Be Prepared – is more relevant now than ever. The market is likely to hand us some great opportunities if we are prepared for them!

INTERNATIONALIZATION VIDEO FROM ANARCHAPULCO: Here’s some great info for all of you!


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