What if the Financial System DIED – Weekly Crypto Update

The financial system is hovering on the edge of a cliff – as all of us already understand. What if the financial system DIED? The point I REALLY want you to get and I am really trying to drive home here is that that old dying dinosour of a monstrosity is NOT our source of supply. We are our own source, each of us individually. The power, the results, the success is not outside of us. It IS us. We need to take that ON right now and own our own manifestation ability.

If the financial system died – and it will. And many of us are just WAITING for it to happen, but waiting is not a powerful energy for us to be in. Not only that, but the collective amount of people out there in the world just WAITING is actually delaying the actual results we are wanting. we need to shift our energy into a NOW type of prosperity. Not waiting.

One of the keys to doing this is by rewriting our approach and interpretation of reality in such a way that it SERVES us and SERVES our goals aspirations and dreams. We are the power, how we view and interpret our reality and our experiences makes ALL the difference.

The only thing that might stand in the way of any of us being willing to do this is if we have deep beliefs that we can’t get over that oppose our success. This is where we can each work on putting ourselves into that manifestation mindset – and finding the inner obstacles that are holding us back.

Here’s this week’s video:

Gold and Silver – Gold is hanging on just below the edge of $2,000 and Silver is down at $22.62, which is quite a bit lower than it’s been. I still see it going lower before things really start to take off. 

BTC – This week may or may not give us much upward movement in crypto. As I said in today’s video the top of the channel is the best we are going to get right now and next week is going to be volatile. So we need to be prepared for this. I DO expect that we will drop down to at least $16k in the next few weeks and it could happen next week. so I would not leave any orders open without a stop loss in place.

ALTS – Can move up this week, and also next. But as I’ve been saying for a few weeks now, the volatility is likely to be unpredictable. It can take us in either direction. STOP LOSS, STOP LOSS, STOP LOSS.

BTC Chart:

what if the financial system died
what if the financial system died?
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