Module 2-1 Introduction
Module 2-2 The Big WHY
Exercises that will help
Take out a paper and write the four columns listed in the video above. If you find you are having big issues or blocks around money in the future then come back to this exercise and look at the areas you were not willing or able to tackle earlier and consider tackling them. I am not suggesting you go past what you are ready to do, I just know that in my own life, the things that I put off delayed my breakthroughs and as soon as I tackled them, my finances took off.
The second half of this exercise is to make a list of ACTIONS you can take to solve any of these obstacles. It doesn’t matter if these are financial obstacles or emotional ones. It can be as simple as dealing with a financial mess, cutting a toxic person out of your life or writing an apology letter. It may not seem like some of these would effect finances, but I have found that it definitely does. Once you have made the list of actions you can pick the ones you can handle now, or when in the future you can handle them and then write next to them; Now, a month from now or the time when you believe you will be able to handle this subject. Then put an alarm in your phone to remind you to come back and handle the next issue. I have found this to be one of the BIGGEST KEYS for improving my own finances.
Module 2-3 Income Management System
T Harv Eker – “The Secrets of the Millionair Mind”
Simple Jars money management system:
T. Harv Eker – the JARS method:
NECESSITIES 55% – necessities are the things you NEED, this does not include designer clothes! Yes you need clothes but this budget only covers things that are reasonably priced. A Rolex or designer handbag might be an investment on some level if you are in certain types of jobs, but this should still come out of an LTSS and not necessities unless you are producing PLENTY of money for your necessities to be way below 55%.
LTSS (Long Term Save and Spend) 10% – this could potentially be a crypto portfolio that you have marked to sell at a certain point in order to buy something specific like a car or a house. I did this with my Crypto portfolio in 2018 when I made a deal with myself that once that portfolio hit a certain level I would send myself to Anarchapulco, which I did!
FINANCIAL (Investments) 10% – This would be more of a category that is to be held for the long term and for retirement and to build wealth long term. I would hold assets here such as land and cash producing businesses or dividend producing stocks or cryptos. **You can get ‘dividends’ from crypto by staking certain coins. I will cover this more in a future module.
EDUCATION 10% – By FAR (and it’s not even close) the money I have spent on learning and growing in life has produced MUCH MORE success and happiness than any other category for me. I do not regret a single cent I have invested in myself because I have either gained more wisdom, tools for my success, or improved myself and found out more of who I am which stopped me from chasing the wrong things – things that did NOT bring me happiness.
PLAY 10% – Please NEVER neglect your play in life! Your inner child needs to have fun. If you make it work all the time and only be serious sooner or later it will DEMAND you come out and play and this can often destroy a well constructed life. Make room to play along the way and your life will remain in balance.
GIVE 5% (if you prefer to make it 10% as most religions recommend that’s up to you but that extra 5% needs to come out of the necessities budget)
Module 2-4 Income Side Hustle
You can learn about Crypto Mining by searching on YouTube, this is changing all the time and you should find someone who is more of an expert than I am and who is up on the current strategies.
The most well known and trusted Mining producer is AntMiner produced by Bitmain (not an affilliarte link):
Please be aware that there is a lot of math and formulas involved in calculated electrical usage, CPU hashpower and daily output for profitability. You must run the numbers, check what’s possible for you where you live and make sure this will bring you a profit BEFORE getting started. Like any type of business venture there is always the possibility for failure and it takes time and effort as well as concentration to make sure you are getting the most from your opportunity.
MINING POOLS – This is another way to mine your crypto and receive and income (like a dividend) from it without the financial outlay to buy the equipment which does become outdated over time. In a mining pool you just add your resources to the pool in order to pay the overhead and in return you receive a percentage back. This is similar to STAKING and has the same downside.
The DOWNSIDE to mining pools (and Staking) is that you run a COUNTER PARTY RISK. This means that your asset (crypto) is put into another wallet that you DO NOT CONTROL and therefore you run the risk of LOSING ALL OF YOUR CRYPTO. You must vet the provider very carefully to make sure you trust them to stick around and give you your capital and your rewards honestly. This is a risk that I am generally not willing to take and the only place I personally have staked any coins is through my EXODUS wallet. Personally, I would only mine with a CPU in my own home, and would budget for it accordingly.
Module 2-5 Investment Ladders
Laddering orders is a well-established technique from the stock market and was made for traditional investors. The main strategy is to keep buying in on a regular basis from your regular paycheck and the sales pitch they give is that even when the market goes against you, you should still always be buying INTO the market because it always goes up. And that advice has generally worked for these past decades. But we are entering a much different time where all the money is changing. And crypto is a big part of that change. Crypto is also MUCH MORE volatile, so, in order to achieve maximum success we need to be willing and able to make trades on the bigger tops and lows of the market.
NOBODY ON EARTH knows exactly when those levels will come. I have a much better analysis than most because of my use of Astrology, AND because I psychically see the levels that are coming. But sometimes we still have to wait through the intermediate moves before my levels arrive. This is why my own laddering strategy is focused on buying in through a whole region of the market at a lower level and then selling off through a whole region of a market peak.
HOW TO LADDER IN ON LOWS: Let’s say we have $1,000 to buy a crypto WHEN IT IS DROPPING in price and the target buy range is from $0.90 cents to $1.00. The simplest way to ladder in is to break this $1,000 into 10 $100 increments and buy in at every penny level from 1.00 on down to $0.90. This would look like:
Buy $100 at $1.00
Buy $100 at $0.99
Buy $100 at $0.98
Buy $100 at $0.97
Buy $100 at $0.96
However, my rule is to never buy on the whole number so my own buy orders might look more like this:
Buy $100 at $0.95137
Buy $100 at $0.94329
Buy $100 at $0.93305
You don’t have to break it up into 10 equal levels. You can do this in whatever percentages you are most comfortable with. Be aware that I may discuss a ‘Hail Mary’ order on my calls and this would maybe be a small percentage order that is place far lower so as to catch the fast moving market. This could look like this:
Buy $100 at $0.87942 (which is far lower than the $0.90 lowest level).
The idea here is that there is no way to ever do everything perfectly in the market, but we want to cover our bases and be sure we catch the lower levels and profit peaks in the best possible way for our long term profits.
**Please understand that you may not capture every single order! This is ok and if you are capturing the majority then you have succeeded! I cannot guarantee the level of success any body else will have because how you tackle your order strategy is entirely up to YOU!
Laddering OUT when the market is making a peak would operate the exact same way but in reverse with sell orders placed along the way to our market peak. For example, in March 2024 the market more or less hit a peak BTC price of $73,949 and my target price had been $74,000. With a solid laddering strategy we would have safely placed orders probably between $73,000-$74,000 or even $73,300-$74,200 with some ‘Hail Mary’ orders at the top above the $74k level. Some of these actually went through at the time, even though if we look back at the charts today, they will show the price peak at somewhere around $73,757. They LOOK like we did not hit $74k in retrospect, but during the actual market moves, most people had the orders that had been placed in the $74k region go through. Anyone who had used the ladder strategy should have gotten most or all of their profits out of the market at that time.
TIP: Understand that the prices on the charts you are looking at from the PAST are usually evened out by the exchanges and will NOT actually reflect the real-time highest and lowest levels that sell and buy orders actually were executed during the trading session. In other words there are usually some spike levels that are not reported.
However, these are very dangerous to try and catch, which is why I call them ‘Hail Mary’ levels. We are asking for divine intervention to help us out for these! We CANNOT COUNT ON THEM! Additionally different price levels will be in operation on different exchanges, so there is really NO one size fits all strategy. Generally, Caleb & Brown will do the hard work of finding these spike levels for you (when the orders are placed in advance) and you stand a much better chance of catching them if you use them for placing your trades.
If you sign up for an account with them using my name as the referrer or by using the link here you will get a discount on fees: Wright
HOW TO SET UP AN ORDER: The easiest way to do this if you have an account with Caleb & Brown is to send an email to your broker with the subject: SELL (desired crypto) Then in the body of the email you can just list the orders you want placed just like I posted them above. Make sure to tell them what stable coin you want to sell into (currently I am using USDC and staying away from USDT). A more advanced order placing tutorial is coming soon.
I will want to also use PAXG (a Gold backed stable coin). As of this writing Caleb&Brown does not work with PAXG, but it is listed on dozens of exchanges. The benefit of PAXG is that it is pegged to GOLD and if we see a massive crash in the USD then we will also see a massive spike in the value of PAXG because that is the nature of Gold – it goes up when the currency of your country loses value. I do NOT use any of the Silver backed cryptocurrencies because they are just too volatile and dangerous. We want our value to be kept in a relatively consistent and stable vehicle and Gold is the best choice for this.
Stay tuned for more…
Where is ur crypto projects?
Here is an updated post on the Best PRO coins for 2024-2025
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