Blackrock, War & Aliens – VIP call

Blackrock, War & Aliens
WHEN: Thursday at 7PM EST **I had to move the call to Thursday this week, due to schedule conflicts
This call will focus on some of the bigger events that are going to happen this year, including those associated with Blackrock. You’d have to be living under a rock not to realize that for some years now Blackrock has been buying EVERYTHING – especially single family homes. They are one of the MAIN REASONS that home prices went completely ballistic in 2023. I will cover how this is going to turn out for them, and for us. Get ready because the Government will be talking about Aliens, disclosure and more. This call will cover:
* BTC Charts and next moves
* More Alts
* What is going to happen with Blackrock?
* Will we have a nuclear War?
* Aliens; who they are and what’s true vs. what the Govt will tell us
As always you will get your invite by tonight, but if you don’t have it tomorrow then please reach out to Geric on Telegram @JhonGeric and he will get you signed in.
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