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Those that I am in contact with are the reformed Pleidians who operate from the ‘Law of One’ and who work WITH NATUAL LAW. This is really important to grasp.
The Law of Manifestation also called the Law of Attraction, is a universal law that asserts that what you put your focus on, you manifest more of that. In other
Make a quality COMMENT on this weeks Horoscope: Like the video Share the video YOU MUST BE A SUBSCRIBER TO WIN Here's a recap of my CRYPTO TIMING CALLS:

We have a lot going on in the world right now. There is a lot of fear based emotion driving us at this time. Here is a special message from

There is a a movement going on in this world creating a division. Here is the antidote to anger, hatred, and pain.
A revival of interest or attention. a recognition, realization, or coming into awareness of something: a rude awakening to the disagreeable facts. a renewal of interest in religion, especially in

Sorry, this video is now available for you to watch. I thought you would be able to see it early on YouTube, but no. Not until I make it live.

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