new coin channeling

Master Channeling on Silver: August 2023 Channeled Message

This is also what is being referred to in Mystical circles as the ‘Split’ between 3D and 5D, where those who attach themselves only to the material world will not only remain in the lower frequencies, but actually become COMPRESSED down to 2D, which is actually the frequency where the energy of narcissism, psychopathy and sociopathy exist. Those who stay tapped into heart energy and the 5D frequency will evolve into the 5D based reality.

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new coin channeling

Hadera Hashgraph HBAR

Hadera Hashgraph HBAR – The purpose of this channeled message is to gain new insight into the cryptocurrency HBAR (Hadera Hashgraph) and what its future is likely to be. My intention with this channelled message is not to repeat anything that has been said by others in the past, but to gain a new perspective on this crypto, its purpose, opportunities and challenges. I am also looking for insight into timeframes for HBAR for the purpose of investment, buying and selling this currency. 

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Co-Creation Channeling

Co-Creation Channeling Part 2

In the Part 1 of this Co-Creation Channeling was posted last month, in it we covered how Evil has confused humanity and blocked us from our own inner light through intervention by Alien races in our evolution. This was an alternate understanding of our OUTWARD reality, which has some kinds of evidence to support some of it.

But what is rarely if ever addressed is how the INNER reality has been controlled. I’m not talking about the mind-control in Media or it’s hypnotically induced states – which are part of it, but I’m talking about the energetic level of this manipulation. Mostly you have only heard discussions of this in the context of religion. But I am here to discuss it as a factual part of our reality.

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Nature Channeled Message

Channeling on Co-Creation

Co-Creation and The Technology Problem Channeled message April 26 2023 This will be a two part channeling with part 2 coming out in May. This was a MASSIVE download from the Guides about how we can use our energy to succeed in the coming changed world reality. But first they needed me to explain some…

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new coin channeling

Humanity on the Blockchain

Humanity on the Blockchain Channeled Message Feb 2023 Please don’t shoot the messenger! This was the title the guides gave for today’s channeled message and the picture/energy it conjures is not pretty. The guides want to make sure you get a clear understanding for what is coming, so that we actually know what we are…

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Crypto's 4th Wave

Crypto’s 4th Wave – Channeling Feb 2023

The 4th Wave in Crypto is something I’ve been talking about since late 2021, and it’s basically the idea that there have been different Astrological cycles that govern what is going on with Crypto. This was an extension of the idea I first published in 2018 about how there was a secret WAR taking place behind the scenes in Crypto and the whole Financial world as well. This has turned into a HOT war, that most people in Crypto are now at least somewhat aware of…

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new coin channeling

Channeled Message – The Crypto Mining Sector

Money was given to humanity by the benevolent Aliens (Angels). Those to whom the technology of money was given, were also given rules for using it and formulas for the math behind using it. They were given a sacred trust that they have violated. They were charged with being custodians and guides for humanity with this knowledge. But instead they have abused this power and used it merely for their own glorification, power and ego. Their false spiritual beliefs are based behind this desire for self-gratification and yet they continue to believe that they can do as they wish as long as they make some shadowy attempts to tell the public what they are doing…

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Channeling for October

This will be the last channeled message that is posted on the Blog. From now on future channeled messages will be posted in the new members portal. The previously released messages, along with a series of messages I channeled in the early 2000’s are going to be organized, along with additional material into a book. …

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