Month: December 2023

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January Timing Report World Events and Timing in January – ETF’s, Crypto Cases and lots of Legal events going on…

The Gold Channeling

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There has been a big trend over the past few weeks to delist massive numbers of coins off of exchanges. Why? What does this mean for us? We need to

WHEN will the Wheels Come off the bus of our World Economy? We are now hearing from all the analysts…

Bitcoin Rally – this week has been really strong and now a lot of people are out there wondering if they are missing the boat. The truth is that nearly

So, I pretty much said it all in the video below about the BTC new yearly high and the Gold new all time high. The ATH on Gold is the

Below is the link to the December Timing report video. And below that are the good and bad days for December. I will be doing the VIP call tomorrow and

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