Month: October 2023

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The November Timing Report is below as a recording. This month can be a very intense month with world events…

You are all replaying the game on the world stage at this time. And yes, this is the END game, which means things are intensifying and becoming more and more

Crypto, Crime and Price Movement – What’s happening now. THE CORRECT TIME IS 5PM EST TOMORROW FRIDAY OCT 27. Sorry for the confusion. It’s no secret that BTC hit a

The Eclipse on Oct 28 is a Financial Eclipse, just in time for All Hallow's Eve or Samhain as the Cabal calls it in their ritual. I have previously pointed

Hi Members – I apologize that you were not able to post your questions on the call yesterday. I want to get your questions answered so you can post the

This is truly what has been discussed so often as the 3D/5D split. I will go over what this really is, my take on it and how we REALLY need

Libra Solar Eclipse Oct 14 – this is a HUGE cyclical shift

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