Month: August 2023

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We all know that big events have been happening all year in the US and world economy - and yet things have remained remarkably resilient. Why? How long can this

This is also what is being referred to in Mystical circles as the ‘Split’ between 3D and 5D, where those who attach themselves only to the material world will not

Promises are made: I go into some of this idea in the video below. These promises will extend to ideas…

BTC Difficulty what it means… Crypto looks confusing right now, are we in a bull run? A bear move or what? I will clarify the next moves that are happening

If the financial system died – and it will. And many of us are just WAITING for it to happen, but waiting is not a powerful energy for us to

Is crypto crashing? We are heading into some BIG world events, and all world markets are going to be volatile.
If the financial system died - and it will. And many of us are just WAITING for it to happen, but waiting is not a powerful energy for us to

Below you will find the recordings from today’s call. Please reach out to me directly on Telegram if you have any ideas of solutions for all the massive website problems

Call starts in 30 min. Info posted below:     WHEN: Thurs. Aug 10 at 7PM EST WHERE:

August is a BUSY month Astrologically. I want to dive into how to help you all use the – sometimes challenging – retrograde energy of all these planets. Current retrogrades

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