new coin channeling

Humanity on the Blockchain

Humanity on the Blockchain Channeled Message Feb 2023 Please don’t shoot the messenger! This was the title the guides gave for today’s channeled message and the picture/energy it conjures is not pretty. The guides want to make sure you get a clear understanding for what is coming, so that we actually know what we are…

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Solana slowdown

Solana Slowdown – Cryptocurrency Forecast – Feb 27

The Solana slowdown this week has made headlines but isn’t really a major event. Yes Sol got a bit of a pullback all last week, but this is pretty normal movement for cryptocurrency and really not very remarkable. HOWEVER, we do…also be sure to join the Wednesday calls live so you can get your questions on specific coins answered.

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Crypto BTC forecast, Bitcoin price levels, accurate crypto and BTC timing, predictions and prices

Is Bitcoin About to Make a BIG Move? – All Member Call Tomorrow at 7PM EST

Is Crypto about to make a BIG Move? All Member Call Weds Feb 8 at 7PM EST LINK: As always, you should get an email from Crowdcast with your login credentials. If you have any trouble you can reach out to Geric on Telegram @JhonGeric and he will get you set up. It’s always…

To access this post, you must purchase Crypto Pro Membership.

Silver Dropped $2

Silver – Dropped $2- Urgent Member Update

Yes, there was a significant pullback on the price of Silver yesterday that many may view as a buying opportunity, but there’s more to this picture than meets the eye. Yesterday Silver dropped from $24.05 down to $22.35.  This is why I am posting this important member update about it so that you can fully understand what’s going on right now…

To access this post, you must purchase Crypto VIP Membership or Crypto Pro Membership.

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