Bitcoin Timing Report January 2023 – Jan 28 – Just waiting…

Bitcoin Timing Report – January 2023
Bitcoin Timing – Everything in the whole world of cryptocurrency and all the moves on all of the Altcoin Cryptocurrencies are determined by Timing of Bitcoin and when it makes spikes and crashes. When Bitcoin is in a Bull run the cryptocurrency markets are also in a bull run and when Bitcoin is in a bear market, we get a bear market on all cryptocurrencies. This is why my Monthly Bitcoin Timing Report focuses on those times when bitcoin can pump and when we can get bitcoin crashes to help you make the very best decisions you possibly can in the bitcoin and cryptocurrency markets. 

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new coin channeling

Channeled Message – The Crypto Mining Sector

Money was given to humanity by the benevolent Aliens (Angels). Those to whom the technology of money was given, were also given rules for using it and formulas for the math behind using it. They were given a sacred trust that they have violated. They were charged with being custodians and guides for humanity with this knowledge. But instead they have abused this power and used it merely for their own glorification, power and ego. Their false spiritual beliefs are based behind this desire for self-gratification and yet they continue to believe that they can do as they wish as long as they make some shadowy attempts to tell the public what they are doing…

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Crypto BTC forecast, Bitcoin price levels, accurate crypto and BTC timing, predictions and prices

Weekly Call – Tonight at 7PM EST

TONIGHT at 7PM EST LINK: **REPLAY is available immediately after the call is over. As always you will get an invite from Crowdcast and then this link will work for you. If you did not get your invite then please contact Geric on Telegram @JhonGeric Update on my current short position in BTC and…

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VIP Crypto Trade Strategy

VIP Profit Strategy

Please make sure you watch the all member strategy video in the other post from today. This explains the technical details on h0w to execute this profit strategy. Additionally for VIP members I will add the following two assets for the shorting strategy. Again the technicals for setting up a short position are the same…

To access this post, you must purchase Crypto VIP Membership.

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