new coin channeling

September Channeling

September Channeling JP Morgan and the Silver Price Manipulation   This story from 2014 is the backdrop for what is going on now: When I say that prices of precious metals are being manipulated to hold them down, this is actually a verifiable fact through the court systems. This year there have been a…

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Blue Chip Crypto Targets

BIG Changes in October – PRO Call 6PM EST Sept 27

As always, you should have gotten an invite from Crowdcast and if you did not then please reach out to Geric on Telegram @JhonGeric and he will get you signed up. Call TIME: 6PM EST Sept 27 Call Link:– **As always the replay will be available as soon as the call is done. If…

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VIP Call Today at 6PM EST

All VIP Members should have gotten an invite from Crowdcast by now, if you did not please contact Geric on Telegram @JhonGeric and he will get you signed up. TODAY at 6PM EST LINK:—into-the-storm— We sit at a critical juncture in time right now and need to be prepared for both of the huge…

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These Next Few Weeks

This is an update on what I am seeing in these next few weeks. Yes, there is a crisis in the Financial system coming and it is coming fast when it happens. It will also be over pretty quickly and will not drag on for months. This is the financial blackout I am referring to,…

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