Month: February 2022

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This week is the time to connect with people in real life. Get together and get connected with them. We have some drama in the crypto world. There has been

This month’s Report is attached to the bottom of the post. Please be sure to come back to this page every SATURDAY to check for the next week’s calendar to

This is a message that has several parts because of the length and complexity of the message.This month I am going to allow the channeling to be on the subject

This week is the time to connect with people in real life. Get together and get connected with them. We have some drama in the crypto world. There has been

MAINTENANCEINDIVIDUALIZATIONThis is after the first two steps are completed. Maintenance is first and foremost a question of knowing and eating whatever foods are best for you. In general it is

This week is the time to connect with people in real life. Get together and get connected with them. We have some drama in the crypto world. There has been

ELIMINATIONThis is equally important and some of the resources above will help with this as a maintenance step. But also a deep intestinal cleanse is in order. Again Dr. Shultz

This week is the time to connect with people in real life. Get together and get connected with them. We have some drama in the crypto world. There has been

Here are some health resources I’ve used with success. This is in no way medical advice, and as legally required I am stating here that you should seek COMPETENT medical

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