Month: March 2021
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Here is the Telegram Group for all members: This group is primarily focused on growing community, helping you all create connections with each other and generally working together to
This week is the time to connect with people in real life. Get together and get connected with them. We have some drama in the crypto world. There has been
COHIBA WINNERS: Avery picked out Fiona and GK214 to win the Cigars! Please email; and send us your ADDRESS…
COIN TARGETS**Please note all buy orders are for the next 3-8 days when BTC rockets upBTT – buy $0.004 sell $0.015 then $0.018 then $0.05BRD – buy $0.41 sell $1.046
Ok, here is the April Report. I hope you are all ready because this is what we’ve been waiting for…There is a pretty long list of good alts in this
This week is the time to connect with people in real life. Get together and get connected with them. We have some drama in the crypto world. There has been