Madagascar: a Quail, a Papaya and a Goat test positive for CoVid19

Please do not think that I am insensitive to anyone who has been hurt by the Covid situation, because I am and I know that there certainly are vulnerable people in our midst who should be cared for and looked after. However, as long as the media distracts us into making this conversation about ‘health’…

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Be Crypto Careful

It is always upsetting when there is (yet another) scam brought to my awareness in this space. It is an unfortunate truth that this crypto space attracts plenty of scammers and many of them are pretty sophisticated. The image above is a REAL email from Jake at Caleb and Brown who I deal with and…

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Available – AWAKENING – From being In Darkness

Sorry, this video is now available for you to watch. I thought you would be able to see it early on YouTube, but no. Not until I make it live. I made a video below going over all the symbolism in a short film called ‘In Shadow’ and how this is a very clairvoyant perspective…

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